Breidtinden: An Epic Hike in Norway

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By jeroen

An unforgettable adventurous journey to the top of Breidtinden. It was one of my favorite hikes in Norway. Prepare to be enchanted here, as you will see more than you could ever expect in your wildest dreams while hiking through the landscape (unless you have read this article, of course). The breathtaking view and the soothing power of nature, are enhanced by authentic elements introduced by humans.

…wait, authentic elements introduced by humans??? …More on that later…


At the start of the hike, it was still very early, the sun was not really awake yet, but the first signs of light were present on this cold day in October after a freezing night. But the cold hadn’t kept me awake. As I began my climb at the foot of the mountain, I was immediately overwhelmed by the enchanting view just a few meters into the forest. Along the way, I encountered traces of the old trail, with also a ladder to reach a higher platform. But on my path, there was simply a safe staircase. We are now halfway up the climb to Breidtinden, and once you take the stairs and a few steps further, something magical happens – you are greeted by a beautiful lake. And to my surprise, I saw small wooden boats bobbing on the water and charming cottages along the shore. It intrigued me greatly how they ended up there. I couldn’t wrap my head around it, and if you ever do the hike yourself, you will also wonder how on earth those houses and boats got there.

The further climb to the top of Breidtinden was not for the faint-hearted. The trail was steep, and at times, I had to navigate narrow paths. Fortunately, parts of the route were somewhat clear. Unfortunately, just a hundred meters from the top, I had to abandon my hike. It had snowed on the top of the mountain, in the days prior, and during the day, the sun melted the snow, which then froze overnight, turning the path into ice with a thin layer of snow on top. Since I was alone and hadn’t brought any additional equipment with me (which wouldn’t have made much of a difference as the snow and ice weren’t thick enough), the wisest decision was to turn back. I persevered for a while, but constantly slipping made me realize that I had to set aside the idea of reaching the top. I had to be content with the view I had already experienced, and turning back was the only right decision… okay, it’s painful… but to this day, I have no regrets about it. Especially when writing this blog afterward, I’ve had worse experiences with a hike to ‘Bobotov Kuk’ in Montenegro. I unexpectedly found myself in an unpredictable snowstorm and ended up with a double groin hernia from slipping. Unfortunately, those were circumstances beyond my control.

I must describe my connection with the environment here.

During the hike, I also came into contact with the unspoiled nature. The cold wind at the top of the lake reminded me that I was truly in Norway and gave me the feeling everyone talks about when they mention the cold autumn in the far north. But it was worth it because the breathtaking views were unlike any other. I could almost feel the temptation of the summit, but as previously described, the slippery ice forced me to end my adventure prematurely. Although I didn’t reach the top, I will never forget the beauty of the view.

And the authenticity of the wooden cottages merged with nature. It was thanks to these human elements that I found complete serenity. And now you understand the sentence at the beginning, ‘the breathtaking view and the soothing power of nature, enhanced by authentic elements introduced by humans.’

The traditional Norwegian wooden cottages made me daydream for a while and made me feel the warmth as I saw the smoke rising from their chimneys. I imagined what it would be like to sit there, enjoying the view over the frozen lake with a warm cup of tea in my hands. The presence of a majestic sea eagle diving into the water further emphasized to me how fascinating nature can be… To experience this up close… And thinking to myself, it can’t get any better than this!

And the view over the lake and the vast sea deeply touched me. The reflective image of the snow-covered mountains in the lake with the glow of the rising sun… makes you realize that every penny you spent on the trip, every drop of sweat you shed during the hike… it was all worth it. When looking in the other direction from the plateau, you could see the sea and salmon farms in the water. All of this together created a memory that I will never forget.

Peace and Connection:

In nature, I found the peace I was seeking, far away from the daily hustle and bustle. Although adventures can be challenging at times, and I face myself multiple times, it ultimately brings me tranquility. The feeling of connection with nature and the realization that I was amidst it all deeply touched me.

Can you reach it with a camper or overlander?

It is easily accessible without any problems. There is a small parking lot at the start, where I emphasize the word “small.” I think about ten vehicles can park there, and there are no issues with overnight stays. The parking lot is located at these coordinates 69.45867412934756, 17.59629228009649, and is right next to the road, Fylkesvei 862 (fv 862).

Level of the Hike

Breidtinden can be climbed with a shepherd dog, although some sections may be challenging. Children can definitely join the hike, but some experience is required. Reaching the top might be difficult for children, but getting to the lake should pose no problems. Once again, a solid level of fitness is truly necessary. The difficulty level is moderate to difficult in the summer (June till half September)

Breidtinden GPX

A nerdy deep dive into Breidtinden

Breidtinden, also known as Reaiddaidčohkka in Northern Sami, is a beautiful mountain located on the island of Senja in Norway. With a height of approximately 1,006 meters, Breidtinden offers adventurous mountain enthusiasts a range of captivating experiences, as I have already described mine.

Breidtinden is situated in the municipality of Senja and is the second-largest island in Norway, Nordland County, and is part of the Scandinavian Mountains. This mountain is known for its challenging hiking and climbing routes, which require a reasonable level of experience and skills. Navigating mountainous terrain and dealing with different weather conditions are among the necessary skills. Therefore, the best time to climb the mountain is actually during the peak season from June to mid-September.

As with any mountain climb, there are risks associated with climbing Breidtinden. It is important to bring the right equipment, including water, food, and appropriate footwear, and to monitor the weather conditions. Always consult local sources such as hiking associations, tourist information centers, or experienced mountain guides for the most up-to-date information, and take necessary precautions before starting the climb. Also, check the weather information and barometer during your climb.

Breidtinden, or Reaiddaidčohkka, not only represents a beautiful mountain on the island of Senja but also the rich Sami culture and connection to the landscape. It is a symbol of adventure, beauty, and respect for nature.

An explanation of the name Reaiddaidčohkka:

“Reaiddaidčohkka” is the Sami name for Breidtinden. The Sami people are indigenous people traditionally residing in the northern part of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. The Sami language, also known as Sami, has different dialects and variants.

The meaning of the word “Reaiddaidčohkka” can vary depending on the specific Sami dialect. Since the Sami language has various grammatical structures and nuances, it can sometimes be challenging to provide an exact translation or meaning.

In general, “čohkka” refers to a high peak, mountain, or summit. “Reaiddaid” can have different meanings in different Sami dialects, but it is often used to refer to a wide or expansive area.

So, the name “Reaiddaidčohkka” generally refers to a broad or expansive mountain peak. It is a beautiful and meaningful name that reflects the local Sami culture and connection to the landscape.

Video of the hike.

Artikey1 created a beautiful video about Breidtinden that you can find below. Get ready to be captivated by this majestic mountain. Join Artikey1 on a virtual journey.

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